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There are numerous advantages and benefits of operating an e-commerce business.  It allows people to carry out  business practices without the barriers of time or distance.  Not only does it allow a business to operate more efficiently, but it also allows consumers to purchase whatever they wish to buy with a single click of the mouse at anytime or anywhere, whether a customer lives one mile away from a business’ location or 10,000 miles away.

Another advantage is that the direct cost-of-sale for an order via website is many times lower than through traditional means, since there is no person to person interaction during an online purchase order process.  Online purchasing not only eliminates many of the possible processing errors that can be made by a person; but it is also faster and more convenient for the shopper.  Some operational benefits of e-commerce include reducing both the time and personnel required to complete business processes, while also reducing strain on other resources.

Some of the more significant benefits include: E-commerce is the cheapest means of doing business by reducing many costs that a traditional business may incur, and it improves a business’ competitive position.

From a consumer’s perspective, e-commerce can offer much more intangible advantages.  These can include a reduction in a buyer’s decision time, better buyer decisions, and increased opportunities for purchasing alternative products.

It’s because of all of these advantages plus many more that a business is able to be successful  in an e-commerce setting and proves that there are countless factors and variables that need to be considered to become an effective and stable e-commerce business.

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